Методичний безкоштовний семінар у м. Кропивницький [20.05]

Webinar_Smart_Junior_800x800_KropЗапрошуємо відвідати безкоштовний методичний семінар для вчителів англійської мови від видавництва MM Publications та компанії Лінгвіст.

Тема: ‘Teaching 21st century competencies’, ‘Teaching Use of English for Ukrainian State Exam’.

Коли: 22.05 (початок реєстрації о 14:00).

Де: м. Кропивницький,  НВО – ЗШ I-III ступенів № 31 (вул. Космонавта Попова, 11а).

Спікер: Анна Гезь – методист-консультант видавництва MM Publications в Україні.



Програма семінару:

14:00-14:30        Реєстрація учасників семінару

14:30-15:30       ‘Teaching 21st century competencies’
Globalization, changing demographics and technological advance are some of the key driving forces of
the future and our students will have to be prepared to face challenges and seize the opportunities
brought about by these forces. To help our students thrive in a fast-changing world, the Ministry of
Education and Science in Ukraine has launched a project ‘New Ukrainian School’ the aim of which is to
better prepare our students for the future and teach 21st century competencies from primary school.
During this session, we will focus on 21st century competencies in teaching English.

15:30-15:45         Книжкова виставка.

15.45-16.45         ‘Teaching Use of English for Ukrainian State Exam’
Grammar skills are useful in every aspect of life. Grammar mistakes come in many forms and students
are confused with the usage of English tenses, parts of speech , articles, infinitive and gerund, phrasal
verbs etc. Teachers and students need to make equal efforts to better grammar not just for passing an
exam, but also to improve writing and speaking skills. During this session, we will look at different ways
how to make English grammar interesting to learn and how to deal with multiple choice and
word-formation tasks easily.

16.45-17.00         Підбиття підсумків. Вручення сертифікатів

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